Swiss Miss

“Who, Being Loved, Is Poor?” Material and Media Dimensions of Weddings

Material and Media Dimensions of Weddings

“Who, Being Loved, Is Poor?” Material and Media Dimensions of Weddings

Marriage can be understood as a rite of passage that marks a fundamental transformation in a person’s life, legally, politically, and economically, and often in that person’s self-conception, as an individual and in terms of his or her place in society. ...

Anna-Katharina Höpflinger (Hg.), Marie-Therese Mäder (Hg.)
16,90 €

Trauma, Memory and Religion

Journal for Religion, Film and Media [1/2018]

Trauma, Memory and Religion

How can we screen trauma? This question might lead the perception of documentary movies about atrocities in the 20th and 21st centuries

Freek Bakker (Hg.), Lucien van Liere (Hg.)
16,90 €

Using Media in Religious Studies

Strategies of Representing Religion in Scholarly Approaches

Using Media in Religious Studies

Die Beiträge beschäftigen sich mit der Frage, wie der akademische Unterrichtsstil das Verständnis des Lehrstoffs prägt und wie Medien bei der Umsetzung helfen können.

Bärbel Beinhauer-Köhler (Hg.)
16,90 €

Drawn Stories, Moving Images

Comics and Comic Movie Adaptations

Drawn Stories, Moving Images

The comic transcends the merely entertaining, and fans of comics become engaged and invested in the field through a range of activities.

Alexander D. Ornella (Hg.), Christian Wessely (Hg.)
19,90 €

In Search of the Human

The Work of the Dardenne Brothers

In Search of the Human

What is the human being? What are the conditions that hinder or promote human flourishing? How can human beings exist in an industrialized, technicized society? h ...

Stefanie Knauss (Hg.)
16,90 €

“I Sing the Body Electric”

Journal for Religion, Film and Media [1/2016]

“I Sing the Body Electric”

In his controversial poem “I Sing the Body Electric”, Walt Whitman glorified the human body in all its forms. The world according to Whitman is physical and sensual.

Anna-Katharina Höpflinger (Hg.), Alexander Darius Ornella (Hg.)
16,90 €

Thinking Methods in Media and Religion

Journal for Religion, Film and Media [1/2015]

Thinking Methods in Media and Religion

JRFM is a peer-reviewed, open-access, online publication. It offers a platform for scholarly research in the broad field of religion and media, with a particular interest in audiovisual and interactive forms of communication.

Marie-Therese Mäder (Hg.), Daria Pezzoli-Olgiati (Hg.)
16,90 €