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Journal for Religion, Film and Media [2/2021] 156 Seiten, 148 x 210 mm, einige Abb., englisch1. Aufl., 1, November 2021 16,90 € sofort lieferbarISBN 978-3-7410-0385-1 |
Media and Religion in (Post)Colonial Societies
Dynamics of Power and Resistance
Media and religion, both broadly understood, often form the mise-en-scène for power struggles in competing narratives of conflict, protest, oppression, and resistance. Religious practices are visual and material practices that communicate meaning, and media thrive on harnessing the cognitive and affective power of religious symbols or narratives. Many media producers draw on the ability of religions, as communicative systems, to distill human experience and to create particularly powerful structures of affect. The intricate and dynamic relationships between media and religion are part of cultural efforts to inscribe and embody meaning on an individual and collective level, and thus to turn chaos into order, to establish and communicate categories and boundaries.
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0_Media and Religion in (Post)Colonial Societies: Dynamics of Power and Resistance
Philippe Bornet / Stefanie Knauss, and Alexander D. Ornella
1_Playing with Words, Worlds, and Images
An Interview with the Indian Graphic Novelist Amruta Patil
Amruta Patil
2_Validating Demons
Recasting Rāvaṇa as a Leader of the Oppressed in Mani Ratnam’s Film Version of the Rāmāyaṇa
Genoveva Castro
3_Unruly Images
Representing India in the Calwer Bilder-Tafeln zur Länder- und Völker-Kunde (1883)
Philippe Bornet
4_Using Latinx Theology’s Lo Cotidiano to Decolonize Oller’s El Velorio
Héctor Varela Rios
5_Making Space, Claiming Place
Social Media and the Emergence of the “Muslim” Political Parties DENK and NIDA in the Netherlands
Sakina Loukili
Media Reviews
6_Book Review
August E. Grant / Amanda F. C. Sturgill / Chiung Hwang Chen / Daniel A. Stout (eds.), Religion Online
How Digital Technology Is Changing the Way We Worship and Pray
Lisa Kienzl
7_Book Review
Inge Kirsner, Komm und sieh
Religion im Film. Analysen und Modelle
Jochen Mündlein
8_Festival Review
35th Fribourg International Film Festival
Baldassare Scolari
9_Game Review
Creaks (Puzzle)
Amanita Design, 2020
Christian Wessely