Die Blechtrommel von Volker Schlöndorff

Escaping the Moment

Time Travel as a Negotiation of Transcendence

Escaping the Moment

As we all know, time flies, and that is also true for us: JRFM is celebrating its 10th anniversary. When we think back to the beginnings of our journal, we take a mental...

Verena Marie Eberhardt (Hg.), Anna-Katharina Höpflinger (Hg.)
16,90 €

Fiction, Religion and Politics in The Handmaid’s Tale

Journal for Religion, Film and Media [1/2024]

Fiction, Religion and Politics in The Handmaid’s Tale

Why over the four decades since it was written, we might ask, has Atwood’s story been received by multiple audiences, in multiple languages and through multiple media as a vehicle for critical public engagement with social and political processes? The answer lies surely in its relevance.

Natalie Fritz (Hg.), Daria Pezzoli-Olgiati (Hg.)
16,90 €

Here Be Dragons.

East Asian Film and Religion

Here Be Dragons.

Diese Ausgabe bietet einen Einblick in das vielfältige Forschungsfeld Ostasien, Film und Religion und regt dadurch zum Weiterdenken und -forschen an.

Christian Wessely (Hg.), Franz Winter (Hg.), Yukihiko Yoshida (Hg.)
16,90 €

Paradise Lost

Presentation of Nostalgic Longing in Digital Games

Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost is not only the title of John Milton’s famous epic poem (1667) but also a philosophical-theological notion linked to and emerging from the Fall from Eden in Genesis. It expresses – or imagines – the human experience of a definite rupture ...

Frank Bosman (Hg.), Alexander Darius Ornella (Hg.)
16,90 €

Academic Teaching with Short Films in Religion and Ethics

Journal for Religion, Film and Media [2/2022]

Academic Teaching with Short Films in Religion and Ethics

This issue’s thematic focus on teaching eligious studies and ethics through short films originated in a conversation among the editors of this journal about our use of film in the university classroom: how do we pedagogically engage films, how do our ...

Stefanie Knauss (Hg.), Marie-Therese Mäder (Hg.)
16,90 €

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Theoretical and Methodological Challenges in Media Ethics and Religion

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The current issue presents four contributions that discuss media ethics and religion from different perspectives.

Natalie Fritz (Hg.), Marie-Therese Mäder (Hg.), Baldassare Scolari (Hg.)
16,90 €

Media and Religion in (Post)Colonial Societies

Dynamics of Power and Resistance

Media and Religion in (Post)Colonial Societies

Media and religion, both broadly understood, often form the mise-en-scène for power struggles in competing narratives of conflict, protest, oppression, and resistance.

Philippe Bornet (Hg.), Stephanie Knauss (Hg.), Alexander D. Ornella (Hg.)
16,90 €

Materiality of Writing

Reconsidering Religious Texts Licensed under Creative Commons

Materiality of Writing

Religion is not primarily a system of reflection and philosophical pondering by means of texts; it is an existential experience.

Daria Pezzoli-Olgiati (Hg.), Christian Wessely (Hg.)
16,90 €

Religion and Popular Music

Journal for Religion, Film and Media [2/2020]

Religion and Popular Music

The interactions between popular music and religion are manyfold and highly complex. Popular music as an important part of popular culture is a means of communication.

Natalie Fritz (Hg.), Anna-Katharina Höpflinger (Hg.)
16,90 €

Science Fiction and Religion

Journal for Religion, Film and Media [1/2020]

Science Fiction and Religion

In science fiction films, we explore remote universes and use yet unknown technologies – the world as we know it is left behind. But although the technical devices in these films are impressive and the science advances in huge steps, the protagonists ...

Elie Yazbek (Hg.)
16,90 €

Apocalyptic Imaginings

Journal for Religion, Film and Media [2/2019]

Apocalyptic Imaginings

The articles in the thematic section of this issue of the JRFM address a number of issues that can help us better understand not only the films, TV series, or texts the authors are looking at, but also broader socio-political and psychological issues ...

Alexander D. Ornella (Hg.)
19,90 €

Understanding Jesus in the Early Modern Period and Beyond.

Across Text and Other Media

Understanding Jesus in the Early Modern Period and Beyond.

Das außergewöhnliche und dennoch menschliche Leben Jesu inspirierte zu ganz unterschiedlichen Repräsentationen: visuelle und schriftliche Darstellungen stehen in hoch komplexen Beziehungen und sind in verschiedenen Epochen und Kulturen anzutreffen. ...

Cristiana Facchini (Hg.), Paola von Wyss-Giacosa (Hg.)
16,90 €